AFT Monday Message – 11/8/10

Monday Briefings... 1) Successor Resource Allocation Formula Discussions Continuing We have been meeting with Executive Vice-Chancellor Terry Davis regarding a successor agreement to the current Resource Allocation Formula (RAF) which is due to expire on June 30,...

Guild Extends Board Election Win Streak to 22-0

Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to report that we won all of our targeted races of this election cycle! For the Board of Trustee races, our results are: GCCCD Seat #1, Edwin Hiel, 52.19% (first place in a field of three) GCCCD Seat #2, Debbie Justeson, 55.83%...

Please don’t forget to VOTE today!

If you are a vote-by-mail voter, you can drop off your ballot at the Registrar of Voters, 5201 Ruffin Road, Suite I, San Diego, CA 92123, or at your local polling place ( Find Your Polling Place ) on election day.  Do NOT mail your ballot in now, it is too late and...

Brown leading Whitman in polls, but…'s irrelevant unless you VOTE. The latest USC/LA Times poll has Jerry Brown leading Whitman 52 percent to 39 percent among likely voters.  However, in order to turn that poll data into reality, everyone needs to make sure to cast their ballot on November 2nd! If...

Have you mailed your absentee ballot yet?

Today (Thursday, October 28) is the deadline to mail in absentee ballots to make sure they get to the County Elections Office on time!  If you have received an absentee ballot, now's the time to get it in the mail! Otherwise, make sure you take time to VOTE this...

Why You Should Vote YES on Proposition 25

Proposition 25, the Majority Budget Act, has been our signal electoral goal and achievement of this past year.  We helped qualify it for the ballot, AFT VP Jim Miller and other AFT members marched throughout California to ensure it's qualification, we have been the...

Why You Should Vote NO on Proposition 26

Proposition 26 is another ballot measure that has received less attention than some of the other initiatives in this election.  Beyond all the rhetoric and scare tactics, Proposition 26 is merely just one more attempt to protect the profits of the oil, tobacco, and...

Why You Should Vote YES on Proposition 24

Proposition 24 has received less attention than some of the other ballot measures in this election.  However, the impact of Proposition 24 is significant to those of us who work in the public sector. What Proposition 24 does, in essence, is to roll back the nearly...

Precinct Walkers Still Needed

We are still in need of more precinct walkers for this Saturday, October 23rd at 9:00am when we will be teaming up with the Labor Council and other affiliated unions to get the word out to all voters.  We really need a good showing of AFT members on this day!  Wear...