Equalization Funding Appeal to Gov

Between now and the release of the Governor's May revision to his proposed budget (due out May 13), our letter writing/lobbying campaign will focus exclusively on ensuring the second installment of equalization funding for community colleges is included.  Please take...

How Much Do Californians Pay in State and Local Taxes?

Measured as a share of family income, California¹s poorest families pay the most in taxes. The poorest fifth of the state¹s non-elderly families, with an average income of $11,100, spent 11.3 percent of their income on state taxes in 2002.  In comparison, the...


Today is a day of victory for working families all over San Diego! Thanks to all of you who have written letters, made phone calls, joined in rallies and attended various City Council meetings. We could not have done any of this without you - YOU are the reason why...


You have no doubt by now heard the news that the Governor has withdrawn his ill-conceived initiative to privatize public pensions.  However, since he plans to continue with this effort once he fixes the death benefit flaw, we need to let him know that we will still...

We Win One Battle, but the War Continues

7 April 2005 From:    CFT President Mary Bergan To:        CFT Activists, Leaders and Staff Re:        The Governor's announcement withdrawing his pension initiative from circulation We Win One Battle, but the War Continues We are pleased that Governor Schwarzenegger...

The Time Is Now! We Need Your Voice Now More Than Ever!

The San Diego Living Wage Coalition is now counting down to the City Council vote that will impact the fate of thousands of low-wage workers in San Diego. The living wage proposal will be debated at the full City Council on Tuesday, April 12th at 2pm - only 8 days...

Benefits Plan Puts Gov. on Defense

Public workers criticize Schwarzenegger's state pension overhaul, which would affect death and disability payments. By Robert Salladay Times Staff Writer April 1, 2005 SACRAMENTO ‹ Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is working to quell a political firestorm over death and...