Re: You’re Invited! Outstanding Leader’s Award Luncheon

Why would we want to support someone who is attempting to contract out all city jobs, including police and fire services, and doing the best he can to dismantle all of the city’s collective bargaining units? As public sector employees, we should not “celebrate” the accomplishments of a mayor who is seeking to undermine the public sector.

If Prop. C passes and the Mayor gets his way, tens of thousands of City workers will lose their jobs. For more information, please see the message at the end of this email.

We should be protesting, not celebrating, this “outstanding leader.”

—–Original Message—–
From: Sandi Trevisan
To: DL for Miramar College; DL for Mesa College; DL for City College; DL for Chancellor’s Cabinet; DL for Board of Trustees (bot070); DL for District
Service Center; DL for District Office Sent: 10/9/06 3:46 PM
Subject: You’re Invited! Outstanding Leader’s Award Luncheon

You’re Invited!

The Miramar College Foundation presents the Outstanding Leader’s Award Luncheon honoring San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders
Thursday * Nov. 9, 2006 * 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, University of San Diego

Celebrate Mayor Sanders’ professional achievements as a leader in law enforcement, charitable organizations and now as Mayor for America’s Finest City.

Featured Speakers
Emcee: Michael Santos, City of San Diego Senior Personnel Analyst
Bill Kolender, San Diego County Sheriff
Douglas Sawyer, United Way President/CEO
Richard Ledford, American Red Cross, SD & Imperial Counties Chapter,
Chairman of the Board
Brian Maienschein, City of San Diego Councilmember

Tickets: $65 per person
Event and table sponsorships from $500 – $10,000 available

Mayor Sanders graduated at the top of his class in 1973
from the Miramar College Police Academy and eleven years later,
returned to the Miramar campus as SDPD Lieutenant to direct the Academy.

For more information, contact the President’s Office at (858) 536-7834
or (619) 388-7834.

Sandra Trevisan
Public Information Officer
(619) 388-7752/(858) 536-7876


City Council Resolution is Mayor’s Admission that Prop C is Flawed, Public Safety Can be Privatized!

The San Diego City Council will consider a resolution this afternoon intended to close a gaping loophole in an upcoming ballot initiative. Prop C is the controversial initiative that would let the Mayor contract out entire City departments, including critical public safety services including police, fire and lifeguards.

After a judge’s ruling several weeks ago, the Mayor and the Prop C campaign have been struggling to respond to public concerns that fundamental public safety services would be run by private companies and not by the elected leaders voters typically hold accountable for failures in public safety.

“The Mayor took us to court and tried to sue us because we were saying that Prop C did not prevent him from turning over our public safety departments to private, for-profit companies,” said Norma Damashek from the League of Women Voters and member of the recently formed Citizens Against Corruption committee. “The judge ruled in our favor,” continued Damashek, “finding that Prop C does not protect public safety departments from the pitfalls of privatization, and his attempt to pass a non-binding City Council resolution is an admission on his part that Prop C is seriously flawed.”

At issue was the specific language which reads in part, “will put public safety at risk. Under Prop. C, there is no prohibition on contracting out police protection, fire protection and lifeguard services. These essential public safety services should not be managed by private companies who care more about their bottom line than our safety.” Superior Court Judge Ronald S. Pronger rejected arguments from Prop C supporters, saying it was neither false nor misleading.

Citizens Against Corruption – NO on C