Forum: Privatization or Partnership?

are pleased to invite you to an important policy forum

Managing Our City:
Privatization or Partnership?

As San Diego voters prepare to decide on Proposition C, we invite you to a panel discussion about the economics and public service implications of privatization. We will also hear from national experts about the potential for labor-management cooperation programs to develop high quality, cost effective management within the City of San Diego.



Panel Discussion & Lunch
Tuesday, October 17th
12:00 noon ­ 1:30pm
The Handlery Hotel
950 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
A cost of $15 for CPI members or $25 for non-members includes lunch.
Please make your check payable to the Center on Policy Initiatives and mail
c/o Managing Our City to 3727 Camino del Rio South, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92108.
Payment will also be accepted at the event.   AFT WILL REIMBURSE THESE COSTS FOR ANY MEMBER THAT ATTENDS.

Please RSVP (space is limited) to Natalie Nava at 619-584-5744×24 or .
Featured panelists:
Dr. Elliot Sclar 
, Director of the Columbia University Urban Planning Program; Author
of You Won¹t Always Get What You Pay For: The Economics of Privatization

Allyne Beach , Former Executive Director of the Public Sector Labor Management Committee, AFL-CIO Working for America Institute; Currently Senior Workforce Consultant in Human Resources to Kaiser Permanente.

Panelist Bios

Elliott Sclar is a nationally recognized expert on privatization: his book You Don€t
Always Get What You Pay For: The Economics of Privatization 
(Cornell 2000) won two major academic prizes: the Louis Brownlow Award for the Best Book of 2000 from the
National Academy of Public Administration and the 2001 Charles Levine Prize from the International Political Science Association and Governance magazine for a major contribution to public policy literature. Professor Sclar is the research director of the Project on the Economics of Public Service Privatization, as well as a research associate at the Economic Policy Institute. He holds a PhD from Tufts University.
Allyne Beach is a nationally recognized expert in public sector labor management cooperative strategies. She has developed and executed labor€management initiatives in four public sector industry areas: water and wastewater, education, police, and social services, and has briefed the United States Senate on ‘best practices’ in labor
management cooperation and delivery of quality public services. Ms. Beach currently develops and implements workforce development strategies across Kaiser Permanente regions. An experienced labor and community organizer, Ms. Beach holds a Masters Degree in Social Policy from the University of Chicago¹s School of Social Services