Projected 07-08 College Calendar


Based on the feedback we have received over the past couple of years, we
have made some dramatic changes to the college calendar that is being
proposing for the 07-08 academic year.  Most noteworthy are:

€  Earlier fall start so that that fall semester ends 8 days before

€  Elimination of on-campus intersession classes.  Only online intersession
classes will be offered;

€  Due to intersession elimination, spring semester will start earlier, the
day after the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.  This will also allow for an
actual break between the end of fall and start of spring so that there is
some down time for the staff and non-classroom faculty.

€  Spring semester will end earlier, on May 19th;

€  Summer sessions of 4, 5, 6, & 8 weeks will begin in June with one 5 week
session beginning July 7th.

€ All summer sessions will end no later than August 9th, thus allowing time
between the end of summer and the beginning of fall.

A copy of this calendar is attached.  Please send me your feedback so that
we can move toward finalizing the calendar.

Also, we are taking a serious look at dramatically reducing the number of
required flex days.  Stay tuned for more information on that.

In Unity,


Projected 0708 College Calendar