Opinion: Taxes vs. axes and the California state budget

Opinion: Taxes vs. axes and the California state budget By Marty Hittelman Special to the Mercury News 06/22/2009 In his most recent pronouncements on how to balance the state budget, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared that taxes are "off the table." He allows for...

Rally Against Governor’s recent “All Cuts” budget

People United Against Cuts is a local coalition formed to oppose the Governor’s recent “All Cuts” budget. The Governor’s proposed budget will have a catastrophic impact on children, seniors, people with disabilities, low income families, college students and HIV/AIDS...

Labor Leader Newsletter

  The latest issue of the Labor Leader is now available online! The June issue features: The Labor Council's efforts to turn San Diego into a Military Town and a Union Town San Diego Unified School Board's approval of a Project Stabiliation Agreement The...

Bogus STRS/PERS Solicitation

Colleagues, It has come to my attention that a solicitation pitching STRS/PERS counseling services has been circulated in faculty and staff mailboxes. Please note that this company, "Teachers Retirement Services," with a mailing address in Calabasas, CA is NOT...

District Budget Update

Dear Colleagues, The attached document (two scanned into one attachment) were distributed at last week's District-wide budget meeting. The first is a two page document entitled:  “Budget Planning – Reductions” dated June 3, 2009.  This document identifies the current...

Take a moment to contact your legislator

I am asking you to take a few minutes out of your busy life to contact your legislators. We must act now to help prevent massive reductions in funding to public education and social services. California is facing the most severe budget crisis since the passage of Prop...

VOTE TODAY: YES on 1B, NO on 1A, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F

CFT's recommendations are to vote YES on Proposition 1B, NO on the rest (1A, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F). Please read below or see the attached if you would like more information. In Unity, Jim Mahler, President AFT Guild, Local 1931 It is election time again. Here are my...