AFT Monday Message – 9/20/10

Monday Morning Briefings…

1) Member to Member Phone Bankers Still Needed
Do your part to help us ensure victory on November 2nd!  We only ask for a few hours of your time, and we are only calling our own members to make sure everyone knows what’s at stake on November 2nd.  It’s quick, it’s easy, and you’ll see the results!  A script, training, and food will be provided.  Please sign up for just one afternoon by sending an email to AFT Political Action VP Jim Miller at

2) Computer Loan Deadline Nears
This Friday, September 24th, is the deadline to apply for a $2,000 interest free computer loan.  Details and the application form are attached.

3) Economists: Whitman’s Plan Would Spell Disaster for California Whitman
More than a dozen respected California economists spoke out against Meg Whitman’s economic policy proposals, after careful analysis revealed she used flawed data and bogus claims to substantiate her positions.

“The evidence and theory that Whitman uses to diagnose California’s problems are unscientific and an unsound basis for policy,” the economists wrote in an open letter to California voters.  “As a result, her diagnosis and her proposed economic policies are both deeply flawed. If implemented, her policy proposals will deepen California’s budget crisis and are likely to reduce employment and economic growth.”    Learn more.

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Have a Great Week-It’s Always Your Choice!