Scary Facts for Halloween Week

BOO!  Not scared yet? Did you know that over the past twenty years or so per capita prison spending in California has gone up 126% while per capita spending on higher education has declined 12%? Did you know that the Golden State will soon spend more on prisons...

AFT Monday Message – 10/26/09

Monday Morning Briefings: 1) Don't forget about our rally and march to the Governor's office in protest of education cuts this Thursday, October 29th at 3:00 in Balboa Park at the intersection of Park Blvd and President's Way. A flier is attached. Please do your best...

Blue Thursday 10/22 & Rally on 10/29

Dear Colleagues, Your AFT Guild, Local 1931 is calling for another Blue Thursday this Thursday, 10/22, as an opportunity to let our students know about the upcoming rally on Thursday, October 29th at 3:00 in Balboa Park at the intersection of Park Blvd and President's...

Fight for California’s Future

Dear Colleagues, Your AFT Guild, Local 1931 is one of the hub of locals involved in CFT's ongoing Fight for California's Future Campaign which is seeking to stop the ongoing budget cuts and fight for progressive solutions to California's seemingly endless fiscal...

AFT Monday Message – 10/19/09

Monday Morning Briefings: 1) It's still not too late to apply for a $2,000 interest free computer loan! This Friday is the deadline. See the attached flier for details. 2) Ratification voting for revisions to the Guild's Constitution and Bylaws will be mailed out this...

AFT Monday Message – 10/12/09

Monday Morning Briefings: 1) Mark your calendar for Thursday, October 29th, at 3:00 for a rally and march to the Governor's office in protest of the statewide education cuts. The rally and march will begin in Balboa Park, at the southern tip, near the intersection of...

The Uneducated American

October 9, 2009 Op-Ed Columnist By PAUL KRUGMAN If you had to explain America’s economic success with one word, that word would be “education.” In the 19th century, America led the way in universal basic education. Then, as other nations followed suit, the “high...

Can You Make a Call Today for Health Care Reform?

October 7th and 8th:  National Health Care Call-In Days Call your members of Congress toll-free  (877) 264-4226 or Click to Call Sen. Feinstein As health care negotiations continue to heat up, working families across the nation are reaching out to key members of...

Job Opening

Dear Affiliates, Attached you will find a copy of the job description for the Labor Council’s Labor to Neighbor Field Organizer position. Please direct all inquiries and resumes to June Williams Thank You. Lindsay Patalano...