Monday Morning Briefings:
1) Mark your calendar for Thursday, October 29th, at 3:00 for a rally and march to the Governor’s office in protest of the statewide education cuts. The rally and march will begin in Balboa Park, at the southern tip, near the intersection of Presidents Way and Park Blvd. This will be a countywide event in conjunction with several other education groups.
2) The AFT Ice Cream Social roadshow continues this week with stops at: District Service Center, North City Center, City College, West City Center, and Miramar College. Stay tuned to your email for details regarding your specific site.
3) Featured Membership Benefit of the Week: All AFT members are automatically covered under the AFT Occupational Liability Plan and Legal Action Trust at no cost to the member. These two plans provide $1 million each of protection for claims arising out of the professional employment activities of AFT members. Click here for more details: