The San Diego Green New Deal Alliance, the Labor, Environmental, and Community Coalition, the San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action, and the Progressive Labor Alliance are hosting "A Fair and Sustainable Economic Recovery" with Robert Pollin on...
Guild/District Extend ERT/COVID Related Sideletters (3/13/2021)
Dear GCCCD AFT Guild Members, I am pleased to report that we have reached agreement with the District to extend the sideletter agreements we previously made with the District through the end of this calendar year 2021. Specifically, these provisions include:...
AFT Guild Retiree Chapter – Meditation Class on Tuesday, March16th at 12:00 (3/13/2021)
Dear AFT Guild Members, You might be interested in this meditation class being sponsored by the Guild's Retiree Chapter. This class is only open to Guild members and Retiree Chapter members. In Solidarity, Jim Dear AFT Retiree Chapter Members, This coming Tuesday,...
American Rescue Plan Explained from AFL-CIO (3/11/2021)
The American Rescue Plan is a victory. Like a lot of you, we’re also disappointed it doesn’t include a minimum wage increase this time. But that doesn’t change the fact that this bill will help people. This bill gives people money. This bill helps schools reopen. This...
Guild/District Reach Agreement on Paid Leave for Vaccinations and Recovery (3/11/2021)
Dear SDCCD AFT Guild Members, I am pleased to report that we have reached an agreement with the District to be able to provide all of our employees with paid leave in order to receive and recover from their COVID vaccines. This agreement will remain in effect through...
Personal Financial Literacy sessions for teachers and school staff (03/10/2021)
The San Diego Center for Economic Education at Cuyamaca College is offering free personal finance sessions for teachers and staff within CalSTRS and CalPERS. These sessions are being co-presented by an accounting professor at Cuyamaca College and a financial aid...
Latest Updates on Where to get Vaccinated (3/08/2021)
Where to Get Vaccinated: Albertsons/Vons/Pavilions CVS Ralphs RiteAid Walgreens Healthcare Provider: You may be able to schedule an appointment with a local healthcare system. Many providers are notifying their patients directly with next steps to...
INVITATION TO PRESENT @ AFT Sponsored The Summer Institute (TSI) (3/08/2021)
TSI is an AFT-sponsored, innovative virtual 4-day conference. Want to be a part of this year's presenting team on Tuesday, June 1st - Friday, June 4th? We invite you to share an idea you'd like to present as a Lighting Talk during one of the four days. Lightning Talks...
RATIFIED: New Resource Allocation Formula (RAF) (3/06/2021)
Dear SDCCD AFT Guild Members, I am pleased to report that our membership has ratified the new Resource Allocation Formula (RAF) as described below with 98.6% (793 votes) voting in favor of ratification and 1.4% (11 votes) voting against ratification. On behalf of the...
Volunteers Needed for Food Distribution Event at Grossmont College March 13th (03/05/2021)
Dear Colleagues, Grossmont College will be hosting the Labor Council Community Food Distribution event in partnership with Feeding San Diego on Saturday, March 13th. This event will be the first for East County, and there is a plan to distribute food to 500 East...