Facts about Prop 32 to share with your students

Please share this with your classes and/or forward to your student email lists.  It's important that our students know what's at stake with Prop. 32.  (Yes, it's OK to discuss in class, just be sure to cover your required course material for the day.) On it's face,...

Guild Adopts OPPOSE Position on Prop. 38

Dear Colleagues, Initially we were staying neutral on Prop. 38 (billionaire Molly Munger's initiative to fund K-12 education) in order to not antagonize its proponents.  However, now that Prop. 38 proponent Molly Munger has launched attack ads against Prop. 30 we have...

Facts about Prop 30 to share with your students

Please share this with your classes and/or forward to your student email lists.  It's important that our students know what's at stake with Prop. 30.  (Yes, it's OK to discuss in class, just be sure to cover your required course material for the day.) If approved by...

BREAKING NEWS: President Clinton Says Vote NO on 32

Please distribute widely... President Bill Clinton Announces Opposition to Prop 32 Did you see President Clinton join our fight against Proposition 32? Click here to learn more about President Clinton speaking out against Prop 32. Former President Bill Clinton today...

SuperWalk Challenge!

Dear Colleagues, As you may know by now, vote by mail ballots are being mailed this week from the Registrar of Voters. This year, we are going to try something new. We want to put on a Get Out The Vote (GOTV) drive for mail voters this Saturday, October 13th.  Our...

Many Ways You Can Help Ensure Victory in November!

Dear Colleagues, As you are well aware, the election season is well underway with mail ballots due to arrive at voters' homes next week.  Our election recommendations can be found here. One question I get asked all the time is "Jim, please tell me, how can I...

LA Times-No on Proposition 32

latimes.com/news/opinion/endorsements/la-ed-end-prop32-20121003,0,7326255.story No on Proposition 32 It purports to take aim at all special interests in politics but in reality targets unions. October 3, 2012 Proposition 32 claims to be a reform measure, a...