Facts about Prop 30 to share with your students

Please share this with your classes and/or forward to your student email lists.  It’s important that our students know what’s at stake with Prop. 30.  (Yes, it’s OK to discuss in class, just be sure to cover your required course material for the day.)

If approved by the voters, Proposition 30 will:
• Increase the income tax on individuals earning $250,000-$300,000 per year by 1.0%.  (just on the earnings above the $250,000 threshold)
• Increase the income tax on individuals earning $300,000-$500,000 per year by 2.0%.
• Increase the income tax on individuals earning over $500,000 per year by 3.0%.
• Raise the State sales tax by 1/4 percent.  That means for a $4.00 purchase, sales tax will increase by one penny.

These tax increases will increase State revenues by approximately $6 billion per year.  90% of the new revenue generated will come from the top 1% of State wage earners.

Money raised by Prop 30. will be put in a dedicated account that the legislature cannot touch.  Prop. 30 funding is subject to an independent audit every year to ensure it is being spent only for schools and public safety. The sales tax increase expires after four years, the income tax increase expires after seven years.

If Proposition 30 passes, this additional State revenue will mean more class sections available next semester and into the future.

If Proposition 30 fails, the State budget will be cut an additional $6 billion with education taking approximately 98% of those cuts.  This will result in the cancellation of hundreds of more class sections in each community college district next semester and into the future.

The choice for students should be clear.  A YES vote on Proposition 30 will improve education, not just now, but for future generations as well.

For more information on Proposition 30, please visit http://www.yesonprop30.com/ or http://vig.cdn.sos.ca.gov/2012/general/pdf/30-title-summ-analysis.pdf

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

In Unity,


Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931
San Diego & Grossmont-Cuyamaca
Community Colleges