This Week in Labor History

May 15 Pope Leo XIII issues revolutionary encyclical 'Rerum novarum' in defense of workers and the right to organize. Forty years later to the day, Pope Pius XI issues 'Quadragesimo anno,’ believed by many to be even more radical than Leo XIII’s - 1891 U.S. Supreme...

AFT SDCCD Faculty Collective Bargaining Survey

Dear SDCCD Faculty AFT Guild Members,   Although our collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with the District does not expire until June 30, 2018, we are going to attempt something that has never been done before–actually negotiate a new CBA prior to the...

2017-18 May Revision Budget Update

FYI, Governor’s May Revision budget proposal details below from Vice-Chancellor Mario Rodriguez.   Quick summary:  COLA - 1.54%  Base Allocation Increase - equivalent to a 2.91% COLA  Growth - 1.0%  Districts that grow more will likely receive additional funding...

This week in Labor History

May is Labor History month.  Here’s what happened this week in labor: May 08 The constitution of the Brotherhood of the Footboard was ratified by engineers in Detroit, Mich. Later became the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers - 1863 About 200 construction workers in...

This week in Labor History

You may not know that May is Labor History month.  Here’s what happened this week in labor: May 03 Four striking workers are killed, at least 200 wounded, when police attack a demonstration on Chicago’s south side at the McCormick Harvesting Machine plant. The...