Silence is NOT an option – 9/29/20 (9/30/2020)

1) Why racial and ethnic data on COVID-19’s impact is badly needed The COVID-19 global pandemic has taken tens of thousands of lives around the world. The American Medical Association has repeatedly and consistently demanded urgent action to address the tragic...

AFT Guild Union Meeting Thursday, October 1st (9/29/2020)

  Dear AFT Guild Members,   Our next AFT Guild meeting of this academic will be held this Thursday, October 1st beginning at 3:00pm via Zoom (see connection details below). Attached is the tentative agenda for this Thursday's meeting.  Please let me know if...

Silence is NOT an option – 9/22/20 (9/23/2020)

1) Don’t miss out!  Sign-up now for the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge! Every morning you will be asked to commit to bite-sized micro-actions that will help you make racial equity a habit. You can do it!  Click here to sign-up! 2) A Vaccine Trial...

Why we all need to Vote YES on Prop. 15! (9/22/2020)

Please share broadly: In the November 2020 election, San Diego County voters will have the opportunity to vote on Proposition 15, the “Schools & Communities First” initiative, which was put on the ballot by a record 1.7 million Californians to raise critical...

Nervous About the National Election? (9/18/2020)

Dear Colleagues, Are you feeling nervous about the national election?  Feeling helpless that even though Trump will lose California by well over 20%, the election could turn his way elsewhere bringing four more years of extreme damage to education, workers rights, the...