Silence is NOT an option – 9/29/20 (9/30/2020)

1) Why racial and ethnic data on COVID-19’s impact is badly needed

The COVID-19 global pandemic has taken tens of thousands of lives around the world. The American Medical Association has repeatedly and consistently demanded urgent action to address the tragic shortages of essential items. There is another shortage that desperately requires our nation’s attention: a lack of public data on the racial and ethnic dimensions of this deadly respiratory illness.  Read more…

2) Racism has cost the United States $16 trillion, according to a new study released this week by Citigroup, the latest in a body of research that attempts to quantify the economic impact of systemic racism.

3) This Is the Casual Racism That I Face at My Elite High School

Unexpectedly, the school did something about it.  Read more about restorative justice… 

4) This is What Systemic Racism Looks Like

50 people are state governors. 3 are Asian, Hispanic or Native American.  There are currently no Black governors, and only two Black governors have been elected in American historyClick here to see what the most powerful people in America look like.

5) Resources for Coping with Race Related Trauma:
