Pride at Work Convention/Sept. 7-10

If you are interested in attending this weekend's Pride at Work Convention, there are funds available from AFT to help defray your costs.  See more information below or click on: ---------- From: "Brian Polejes"...

Donations needed for Dan Herrington

Dear Colleagues, One of our instructors who teaches in the Navy program at the 32nd Street naval station, Dan Herrington, was recently called up to active duty and sent to Iraq. Tragically, the vehicle Dan was riding in hit an anti-tank mine in the roadway, near where...


I hope this email finds you enjoying your summer in our beautiful San Diego! Unfortunately, several of your colleagues (both faculty and staff) ended the spring semester being diagnosed with life threatening illnesses. With this coincidental and significant sudden...

AFT Summer Learning Calendar for Kids Ages 8-12

If you're looking for something educationally based to keep your youngsters occupied this summer, AFT is offering an online summer learning calendar for children ages 8-12.  The learning calendar features interactive animal migration games and archeological...

Action Needed- Equalization Cut by Assembly Committee

Colleagues, We have run into another obstacle regarding equalization funding.  The Assembly Budget Subcommittee voted to reduce equalization funding back to $80 million instead of the $160 million which was previously agreed to.  This would have large consequences for...

AFT June 6th Endorsement List

Attached please find local and statewide endorsement lists from the San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council and the California Federation of Teachers. Please forward these endorsements far and wide to all of your friends and family who live in California. Don't...

Guild Wins Work Experience Arbitration!

During the fall 2003 semester, City College administration unilaterally changed its method of payment for faculty assigned in work experience. Despite exceedingly clear contract language, City College administrators felt they had the authority to change the rate of...

What the Governor’s May Revise really means to us

Colleagues, Several of you have inquired regarding the implications of the Governor's May revise on our pocketbook.  Although his message certainly contains some very positive news for community colleges, we need to keep in mind that the May revise is simply a...