Community College Initiative Qualifies!

Colleagues, We learned yesterday that the Community College Initiative qualified for the February 2008 ballot!  Our local was one of the major contributors to the signature gathering campaign, both financially and in actual signatures gathered. I have attached: 1) ...

Labor Workshop for Union Members

Here's your opportunity to attend an innovative training to prepare union members for public service on local boards and commissions. Please see the attached for more information. Labor Workshop.pdf

Potential Changes to Email Policy/Use

Colleagues, The attached DRAFT document was shared and discussed at the District Governance Council meeting on Wed, 4/18/07. Committee members were asked to share the attached DRAFT document with their constituency members for information, discussion, consultation and...

The Food and Drug Council Inc. Needs Your Help!

The Food and Drug Council is beginning informational hand billing at the San Diego and Imperial Counties Albertson¹s  grocery stores. And could use your help! The Food and Drug Council  is asking us to help take informational hand billing shifts at the 46 Albertson¹s...

AFT National Higher Education Issues Conference

I recently attended the AFT National Higher Education Conference in Portland, Oregon.  The following is a recap of what AFT has been and will be involved in during 2006 and 2007.  Our local will be participating in these activities as well. Of these, the top two...

Guild Wins Fire Week Grievance

After three and one-half years, the Guild has finally prevailed in the grievance we filed concerning the docking of vacation and sick leave balances during the fires of October 27-31, 2003. Our argument was that since all District employees were paid during that week,...

AFT Supports the Grocery Workers

Brothers and Sisters, As you probably have seen in the news, the contracts between Southern California's grocery workers and the major supermarket chains are due to expire soon.  Three years ago the supermarket chains locked out their workers for 141 days in an effort...