Community College Initiative Qualifies!


We learned yesterday that the Community College Initiative qualified for the February 2008 ballot!  Our local was one of the major contributors to the signature gathering campaign, both financially and in actual signatures gathered.

I have attached:

1)  The press release from the Secretary of State’s office;

2)  A copy of a CFT sponsored ad which will be used in the campaign.

As I wrote to you in a previous email, the latest estimates indicate as much as $900 million of additional funding could be coming into Proposition 98 and to the community colleges in the next three years if the initiative is passed.  For faculty and staff, that translates into a significant amount of additional revenue available for additional compensation and benefits.  For students it means more classes, tutors, equipment, and student services plus a 25% reduction in fees.

Our next step is to begin educating all of the voters in our communities.
Then it’s on to victory in February!

Thanks to all of you who either gathered signatures or contributed financially!

In Unity,
