Help Us Secure Four Republican Votes

Colleagues, As the prospects for getting the four Republican votes needed to place the tax extension measure on the ballot grow dim, and thus the likelihood of our District revenue being reduced to unfathomable levels increases, we have two action options for you...

Multi-Union Rally/March This Saturday in Los Angeles

Dear Colleagues, While we in California don’t face the immediate elimination of collective bargaining for public sector unions, the budget deficit threatens to decimate education, health care and vital government services.  That’s why the CFT, through our Fight for...

CFT Convention News

Inside CFT •   A message from CFT president-elect Joshua Pechthalt •   Report on 69th annual CFT convention, March 18-20, 2011 •   Final “State of the Union” speech by outgoing CFT president Marty Hittelman A message from CFT president-elect Joshua Pechthalt CFT...

AFT Monday Morning Message – 3/21/2011

Monday Morning Briefings... 1)  At our annual CFT Convention this weekend, we elected Josh Pechthalt as our new CFT President, succeeding Marty Hittelman who is retiring.  Jeff Freitas was elected as our new Secretary-Treasurer.  Our local was the first CFT local to...

Update #6: Make a Call–Save Your Job

Dear Colleagues, As of this writing, there is still no final budget deal, and no agreement to place the measure regarding the tax extension on the ballot.  Thus, we need everyone (you, your students, your family members, neighbors, people you don't know...

Update #5: Make a Call–Save Your Job

Dear  Colleagues, We are pretty close to the finish line as the State budget is due to be passed today or tomorrow without the inclusion of the ballot measure to extend the taxes which are due to expire June 30. But wait!  There is one last thing you can do!...

Update #4: Make a Call–Save Your Job

Dear Colleagues, In case you thought I was exagerating or being overly dramatic in my previous emails regarding the gravity of our situation if the tax extension measure does not make it onto the ballot, here is Governor Brown's view of how things will play out in...

AFT Monday Morning Message – 3/14/2011

Monday Morning Briefings... 1)  We realize the time change may be slowing you down a bit today, but your AFT Activism is still needed regarding the State Budget situation.  Please, again, call all five legislators listed below.  Simply say:  "Please support the...

URGENT: Make a Call–Save Your Job

Colleagues, If you haven't already made your five calls listed below, what are you waiting for??  These are critical times we are in.  We all need to get active or suffer the consequences.  Here are the latest scenarios for the SDCCD: 1)  Best Case:  Tax Extension...