AFT Guild

An Open, Active, Vital, Membership-Driven Organization



AFT Monday Morning Message – 3/21/2011

Monday Morning Briefings...

1)  At our annual CFT Convention this weekend, we elected Josh Pechthalt as our new CFT President, succeeding Marty Hittelman who is retiring.  Jeff Freitas was elected as our new Secretary-Treasurer.  Our local was the first CFT local to endorse Josh and Jeff last semester.  Our congratulations go out to both of them!  Click here to learn more about Josh and Jeff.

2)  Wisconsin Judge Issues Injunction to Stop Union-Stripping Law

Friday morning, Wisconsin circuit judge Maryann Sumi issued a temporary restraining order to that would block Governor Walker’s union-stripping bill from going into effect, on the grounds that Senate Republicans violated the state’s Open Meetings law when they jammed the bill through last week.

“Today justice prevailed,” said Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Stephanie Bloomingdale.  “In Wisconsin and in America, we have a democratic process for passing legislation. Judge Sumi has ruled that Scott Walker’s under-handed attempts to harm Wisconsin’s middle class will not stand.”  Read more here.

3)  State Budget Tax Exension Measure Remains Elusive

Despite continued political pressure and closed door deal-making, we still do not have the four votes needed to get the tax extension measure on the ballot.
We will now be focusing solely on Assemblymember Nathan Fletcher, who is contemplating a run for Mayor of San Diego, and had the nerve to attend the annual San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council dinner this past Saturday, despite his steadfast opposition to let the voters decide whether or not we should extend the taxes due to expire on June 30.
Please call Mr. Fletcher's office, and tell them that if he wants our support, he needs to let us decide for ourselves regarding extending our taxes:

Assemblymember Nathan Fletcher
75th District
Phone: (916) 319-2075

I know it's wearing, but we need to keep up the pressure with these calls.  You only need to make one today!
In Unity,