Commemorate 100 years of struggle for free speech!

Brothers and sisters, This year, we commemorate the 100-year anniversary of a city ordinance that banned public speaking and assembly in the area around 5th and E Streets in downtown San Diego and the subsequent battle that followed. During the course of this...

AFT Weight Loss Plan

Colleagues, If you, like myself, put on a few extra pounds over the holidays, we have the perfect weight loss plan for you:  come walk a precinct or two this Saturday on behalf of Mat Kostrinsky for City Council! Mat's race is one of our targeted races of this...

REMINDER: AFT Sponsored SDCCD FLEX Week Activities

Dear SDCCD Faculty Colleagues, I'm writing to let you know about some new events and workshops your union has planned for you during Spring Flex Week. For starters, we will be holding our all-faculty luncheon and meeting on Friday, January 20th, from 12:00-1:30 in the...

Labor Council’s Day of Service-Honor MLK on Monday!

Brothers and Sisters:  The Labor Council hopes you’ll join us for our annual Day of Service to honor the work and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  on Monday at 10 a.m. at Grantville Neighborhood Park.   Details are below!   Our 4th Annual MLK Day of...

AFT Sponsored SDCCD FLEX Week Activities

Dear SDCCD Faculty Colleagues, I'm writing to let you know about some new events and workshops your union has planned for you during Spring Flex Week. For starters, we will be holding our all-faculty luncheon and meeting on Friday, January 20th, from 12:00-1:30 in the...

OCCUPY MOVEMENT: West Coast Port Shut Down Come EARLY & stay LATE! San Diego Port Shutdown Monday Dec. 12, 2011 6AM Chicano Park, March to Port 9AM Cesar Chavez Park, All-day Party and Actions aka Fiesta Popular 3PM Rally at the Barrio Logan Trolley Stop, March to the Port 5PM...