International Human Rights Day December 10th — Day of action–Workers Rights are Human Rights

The newly formed Occupy San Diego Labor Solidarity Committee (OSDLSC) is calling everyone Out into the Streets!

March and speak out for workers rights and freedom of assembly!

Saturday, 12/10 at 12:00 noon

March from the downtown Social Security
Administration (1333 Front St.) to the
Occupy San Diego site at Civic Center Plaza, 3rd and B.       

We demand:
(1) secure pensions and retirement for all,
(2) full funding for Social Security with no cuts,
(3) full funding for public services with no cuts, and
(4) freedom of assembly— for Occupy San Diego and all social justice movements.

For more Info email : Or call: 424-265-5316


Official Press Release

On Saturday, 12/10 at 12:00 noon, local unionists in the newly formed Occupy San Diego Labor Solidarity Committee (OSDLSC) will rally and march from the downtown Social Security Administration (1333 Front St.) to the Occupy San Diego site at Civic Center Plaza, 3rd and B.

The marchers demand: (1) secure pensions and retirement for all, (2) full funding for Social Security with no cuts, (3) full funding for public services with no cuts, and (4) freedom of assembly for Occupy San Diego and all social justice movements. These demands are urgent because the dominant politics of today, from the Congressional Super Committee to State and local budgets, sacrifice the needs of workers and the 99% for decent retirement, basic services, and jobs, to the needs of bankers and the 1%. Meanwhile, authorities from San Diego City Hall to the University of California at Davis deny those organizing for equality their constitutionally protected right to freedom of assembly.

The OSDLSC was launched as a Committee of Occupy San Diego that aims to unify the labor and occupy movements, in order to strengthen both. We are inspired by the integration and power of those forces in New York, Oakland and elsewhere, and seek to build such connections locally.