Welcome to the Sausage Grinder?

As we head into a period of prolonged scarcity we’re going to have to make some hard choices.  Thus far, we are pleased that the Chancellor and the Board have been very clear about their desire to avoid take backs.  However, two areas of concern that have surfaced...

Message to Our Students

Dear Faculty and Staff Colleagues, Next week, we will all be inundated with students.  The current class cancellations due to the State budget reductions, in addition to a record high student demand will provide the perfect mix for tens of thousands of students to not...

Mahler Letter to Obama

Colleagues, Below please find the text of my letter to President Obama urging him to ensure a public option remains a part of his health care reform package. Please take a few minutes out of your busy schedule to plagiarize my letter and send your own version to him....

The Public Option Versus Mob Rule Inc.

"The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity." William Butler Yeats, "The Second Coming" It was a long hot summer for members of the House and Senate heading back to town hall meetings on healthcare reform. They were met by crowds of...

Labor Studies Program in Jeopardy

Enroll Now–Don't Delay! AFT Members are eligible for a full refund of both tuition and book costs for enrolling in any Labor Studies course. DUE TO STATE BUDGET CUTS, THESE CLASSES (AND THE ENTIRE LABOR STUDIES PROGRAM) ARE IN DANGER OF BEING CANCELED IF WE DON'T...

National Call-In Day for Health Care Reform

Dear Jim Mahler, Across the country as a part of a nationwide call-in day, tens of thousands of union members like you are calling their representatives demanding real health care reform. Please take just a few moments to contact your Congressional representative and...

Advocacy Efforts Needed on Healthcare Reform Bill

The AFT strongly supports a healthcare reform plan that will guarantee high-quality and affordable healthcare for all Americans. Effective reform will: • Establish a viable and comprehensive public plan option that will guarantee high-quality, affordable coverage. •...