Dear Jim Mahler,
Across the country as a part of a nationwide call-in day, tens of thousands of union members like you are calling their representatives demanding real health care reform.
Please take just a few moments to contact your Congressional representative and both Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Your Congressional representative can be reached by calling (877) 264-4226, while Senator Boxer can be reached at (619) 239-3884 and Senator Feinstein at (619) 231-9712.
Use this as an opportunity to talk to your official about parts of the bill that you like -
* A quality public health insurance option
* Requirements that all employers pay their fair share
* No taxation of workers' benefits
Here is a sample script to help with your calls:
For Congressmembers: This is ___________________. I am union member from San Diego. We need health care reform now. My family and I are counting on you to support HR3200 for health care reform.
For Senators: Health care can't wait. We need action on the health care reform bills.
For Congressmembers Filner or Davis, and Senator Boxer: We also thank you for being a co-sponsor of the Employee Free Choice Act to give workers fairness in organizing a union.
For Senator Feinstein: We also ask you to support the Employee Free Choice Act.
We voted for change last November. Now it's time for Congress to deliver real health care reform. Call your representative today at (877) 264-4226. |