AFT Guild

AFT Wins Grossmont/Cuyamaca Faculty Representation Election!

As a result of the ballot count held last Friday at the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) office in Glendale, I am happy to report that your AFT Guild, Local 1931 has won the representation election for the Grossmont/Cuyamaca faculty by a nearly 2-1 margin!

The results are as follows:

AFT Guild, Local 1931   439 votes (64.2%)

United Faculty   230 votes (33.6%)

No Rep.   15 votes (2.2%)

Unless there are any appeals filed concerning how the election was conducted (for which we believe no grounds would exist), PERB will officially certify the Guild as the exclusive representative of the GCCCD faculty on July 6th.

Please join me in welcoming the approximately 1,200 faculty from the Grossmont/Cuyamaca Community College District into the Guild!

In Unity,

Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931