Republican Ploy: Keep Economy Lousy

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog 21 September 11 The Republicans' latest ploy to keep the economy lousy through election day hatever shred of doubt you may have harbored about the determination of congressional Republicans to keep the economy in the dumps through...


Carl DeMaio’s signature gatherers are going door-to-door to collect signatures for deceptive pension measure. If you see them please call (619) 206-4355 immediately. Thank you, Jerry N. Tomaszewicz, Jr. Executive Assistant to Secretary-Treasurer & CEO Lorena...


NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH YOUR AFT GUILD! Order your book today and give the gift that keeps on giving all year long. NEW MEMBER (Joining after 9/12/11)……………$25.00 MEMBERS.......................................$35.00 (These prices are good on the first book only.  All...

California’s CorporateTax Collection Lags Published Sunday, Aug. 28, 2011 Month after month this spring, California officials cheered as personal income and sales taxes flowed into state coffers at a robust clip. But one area repeatedly underperformed: taxes on corporate profits. That...

March in Protest on Labor Day

By Robert Reich 25 August 11 This Labor Day we need protest marches rather than parades. abor Day is traditionally a time for picnics and parades. But this year is no picnic for American workers, and a protest march would be more appropriate than a parade. Not only...

Thugs on Campus

Dear Colleagues, Recently I have emailed you regarding the presence of anti-worker petition gatherers on our campuses and referred you to the hotline for the “Decline to Sign” campaign (619-206-4355 or 877-440-9585).  Unfortunately things have gotten quite ugly since...

Please send this message to your wait listed students

What Can I Do to Get the Classes I Need? I wish I could enroll you in my class; however, the number of students that I can reasonably teach, assist, give feedback to and assess in this course has been reached. I wish I could help! I know how frustrating it is when you...

Two very important events this week!

From: Lorena Gonzalez <> Date: August 22, 2011 4:26:34 PM PDT Subject: Urgent:  Brothers and Sisters, I know everyone has been very busy this August (I thought summer was supposed to be a slower season?) But, I wanted to urge you to come...