Get Out The Vote for Donna Frye

Dear Union sisters and brothers, As you know we are only 2 weeks away from one of  the most important elections in our City’s history.  Working together, this is our best chance in decades to elect the a Mayor who will really stand up for working families in San Diego...

Help Delivering Yard Signs

Colleagues, We could use some volunteers to help us deliver NO on Prop. 74, 75, 76 yard signs over the next few days. It's a very easy process: 1)  Call the AFT office at 619-640-1155 to arrange a time to pick up your "load" of signs. 2)  You will be given a map with...

Prop. 75 and the myth of “Choice”

The big money backers of Proposition 75 claim they are just giving union members a choice about how their dues are spent, but nothing could be further from the truth.  Teachers and other public sector workers are already protected by a Supreme Court decision which...

No on 75 Rally at Mesa College

There will be a No on Prop. 75 rally this Tuesday, October 18th, from 12-1 in the Mesa College Cafeteria Quad area.  Speakers from all affected public sectors:  Firefighters, Nurses, Police, Teachers will make presentations. Please see the attached flyer for more...

Ice Cream Social Tuesday Oct 18

We will be at Mesa College Tuesday to serve ice cream.   Please see the attached flyer for more information. Hope to see you there! Tina Fletcher Organizer/Membership Coordinator IC Mesa.doc 

Donna Frye Fund Raiser

Friends of Donna Frye, Below is a flyer for a fundraiser for Donna Frye. Please let me know whether or not you can attend. Also please feel free to send this announcement on to others. Questions: call me, 858-273-4806. Thanks, Tom Larson

Saturday Precinct Walk

Please come join us with the other members of the Alliance for a Better California and help us walk precincts for the special election campaign this Saturday, October 15th. We will be walking San Diego neighborhoods opposing Propositions 74, 75, and 76. Put an...

Praise the Lord and Pass the Initiatives

State GOP hires a Bush campaign veteran to get evangelicals to the polls. Abortion is the draw. By Michael Finnegan Times Staff Writer October 13, 2005 State Republicans are moving to rally Christian conservatives behind an abortion measure on the November special...