from AFT National: Contributions are urgently needed for the many AFT members across Southern California who have suffered devastating losses in the state's recent wildfires. More than a dozen fires have scorched communities from San Diego County to north of Los...

San Diego Fires – Labor Council Assistance

We hope this e-mail finds you your family and friends safe and sound. The San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council, AFL-CIO knows there will be thousands of union members affected by the fires and subsequent evacuations. If you are a union member in need of...

NCLB: Get Congress Out of the Classroom

October 3, 2007 NY Times Op-Ed Contributor Get Congress Out of the Classroom By DIANE RAVITCH DESPITE the rosy claims of the Bush administration, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 is fundamentally flawed. The latest national tests, released last week, show that...

Congress Passes Student Aid Bill

Today, both houses of Congress passed the College Cost Reduction Act of 2007 with bipartisan support (by a vote of 79 to 12 in the Senate and 292 to 97 in the House of Representatives). This sweeping legislation represents the largest investment to help Americans pay...

Celebrate Labor Day

Ten ideas to help you... Celebrate Labor Day   Contrary to popular misconceptions, Labor Day is not simply "the last day of summer" or a day to go shopping.  It marks a space set apart from everyday business-as-usual to reflect on the contributions of workers and the...

Schwarzenegger Again Vetoes Part-Time Health Insurance

As you have probably heard by now, the Governor signed the state budget today. In addition to vetoing the $13.8 million in non-credit enhancement funding (which he approved last year), for the second year in a row he vetoed the augmentation for part-time health...