Member to Member Phone Bank Volunteers

Hello Friends, Over the past year or so many of you have volunteered to help out in the Fight for California's Future, come out for a rally or to the march. Now it's time to take the next step and help us reach out to our fellow AFT members about Propositions 24, 25,...

What Labor Day Means for Us

As we celebrate this year’s Labor Day, we should stop for a moment and remember where our rights as public employees came from.  Unlike many workers in the private sector who can look back to the New Deal era for the birth of their right to unionize, public sector...

AFT Flex Week Presentations

Dear SDCCD Faculty Colleagues, I hope this letter finds you still enjoying some summer down time! I'm writing to let you know about some new events and workshops your union has planned for you during professional development week. For starters, we will be holding our...

Jim Miller Nominated for AFT Award

Colleagues, Our very own Political Action VP Jim Miller has been nominated and is a finalist for the AFT's national "Everyday Hero" award.  In case you don't remember, Jim was one of the CFT's core marchers in the March for California's Future.  Please take a moment...

AFT is on Facebook!

Check out your AFT on Facebook! If you have already joined Facebook click this link Join AFT on Facebook! and add us! If you have not yet joined Facebook, click the link above; once you join, you can also create your own profile. Why join? Keep up with the issues...

June 8th Ballot Recommendations

Don't Forget to Vote on Tuesday Tuesday, June 8th is Election Day, and all are encouraged to vote, and to remind friends, family, and co-workers to do the same. Below are our endorsements for the upcoming election: Proposition 13-Tax Assessment for Seismic...