Student Voter Registration Materials Available

Dear Colleagues, We are starting a major voter registration drive with the goal of registering a record number of students to vote in time for the upcoming November election.  We have already hired a couple of dozen of student interns to assist in this effort at each...

More info on pension agreement

Colleagues, Here is the latest information we have (CONFERENCE COMMITTEE BILL ANAYLSIS PENSION REFORM and SUMMARY OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT PENSION REFORM).  The conference committees passed the proposed legislation with no changes last night.  Please make those...

CFT Action Alert! Your Retirement

PLEASE CALL NOW TO TRY TO STOP THE BACK ROOM DEAL THE GOVERNOR HAS MADE WITH THE LEGISLATURE THAT WILL NEGATIVELY AFFECT YOUR RETIREMENT. ACTION ALERT!Call your Legislators and Governor Brown:  Stop this Public Employee Pension Reform Is making five phone calls today...

Occupy San Diego Labor Solidarity Forum 9/1

Occupy Labor Solidarity Presents: Sharon Smith, Author of Subterranean Fire: A History of Working Class Radicalism in the United States. Sharon Smith will share her thoughts on the re-building of a new labor movement in the U.S. Union activists are encouraged to...

NO on Proposition 32: “A fraud to end all frauds”

  Proposition 32: "A fraud to end all frauds" LA Times columnist Michael Hiltzik didn't mince words when he described Prop 32 in last Sunday's paper. He called it out for what it is: "a lie" and "a fraud to end all frauds." "In this state, we've come to expect...

AFT Paid Student Internships-Please Forward to Students

Dear Colleagues, I addition to the myriad of announcements you have for your students this week, could you please try to fit in this one extra announcement of paid internships we offering for students?  If you could also forward this message to your student email list...

AFT Sponsored Professional Development Week Activities

Dear Colleagues, Welcome back to the Fall 2012 semester!  I hope you are surviving the heat! I wanted to give you a quick overview of the four professional development sessions we will be sponsoring for faculty this semester: 1)  Union Meeting with Lunch Thursday,...

Radical Education Summit

Please help us to publicize the Radical Education Summit at City College by sending this flyer out to folks in your community and students who may be interested! Our website: has the full schedule and registration...