Calling all AFT members:
The mayor’s race is on and your AFT will be backing David Alvarez, the progressive choice in the special election. We have an army of great student interns working on the campaign, but if you would like to join us and help them out you can:
1) Come to the first precinct walk this Saturday at 9:00 AM (meet in the parking lot of AFT office 3737 Caminio del Rio South). There will be walks every Saturday until November 19th.
2) Come help on the phone bank from 4:00pm-8:00pm Monday through Thursday at the Labor Council (down the hall from the AFT office on the 4th floor).
Please RSVP to Jim Miller <> so we can work you into the schedule. Please come support the hard work of our students and your fellow union members!
In solidarity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931
San Diego & Grossmont-Cuyamaca
Community Colleges