Scholarship Opportunities for Union Families

Dear Colleagues, There are still several union scholarship opportunities available for you and your family members, but deadlines are fast approaching! Here is what one of our members had to say about last year's program: My son, Chase Morrin, is the recipient of the...

AB 340 Retirement Changes

Dear SDCCD College Faculty, As most of you are aware by now, the so-called "pension reform" legislation (AB 340) which was passed at the end of the last legislative session includes changes to CalSTRS retirement provisions that mostly affect members not currently...

SLOs in Syllabi/SLO Compensation

Dear Colleagues, We have received an increasing number of reports of administrators requiring faculty to include student learning outcomes (SLOs) in their course syllabi. To be clear, the Guild maintains that faculty cannot be forced to include SLOs in their syllabi....

Make Poverty a Priority Campaign

Your AFT is partnering with the Center on Policy Initiatives to "Make Poverty a Priority" for the Filner administration.  As we all know, for many of the students we serve, economic obstacles are one of the biggest reasons they struggle to complete courses and excel....

Community Colleges Budget Outlook

November 30, 2012 Dear Jim, On Monday, the 2013-14 State Legislature will be sworn in at noon, including two newly elected former community college trustees--Jose Medina from Riverside and Scott Wilk from Santa Clarita. Former San Diego trustee Marty Block will move...


A GREAT HOLIDAY GIFT! ENTERTAINMENT BOOK 2013 STILL AVAILABLE THROUGH YOUR AFT GUILD Order your book today and give the gift that keeps on giving all year long. NEW MEMBER (Joining after 11/26/12)……………$25.00 MEMBERS.......................................$35.00 (These...