Want to avoid a 15% pay cut?

\ Dear Colleagues, Voters approved Proposition 30 in 2012, which helped put California back on the road to budget stability.  Because of Prop. 30, California began restoring funding for our public schools and restoring cuts to important vital services. Prop. 30 helped...

SDCCD Payroll Errors

Dear SDCCD AFT Guild Members,   We are well aware of the payroll errors affecting virtually every SDCCD employee’s paycheck and have been working hard to resolve these issues.  Some people are being over deducted.  Some are being under deducted.  Some are not...

March is Women’s History Month

Catch up on your Women’s History reading! 20% discount this month!   March is Women’s History Month In recognition of women’s contributions, and challenges, as members of the workforce and the labor movement, consider reading some of these titles...

National Adjunct Faculty Day of Action

Dear Colleagues, This week is the National Adjunct Day of Action and your AFT is planning several activities: A lecture on the history of Adjunctification at Mesa College at 2:30pm on Tuesday, February 23rd in H-117/118. National Adjunct Day of Action rally on...

2016 CFT Convention Announcement

Dear AFT Guild Members: The 74th Annual Convention of the California Federation of Teachers will be held at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco commencing Friday, March 11th, 2016 at 10:00 AM and continuing through Sunday, March 13th, 2016 until 1:00 PM....

Enroll Now in Labor Studies Courses!

AFT members receive tuition and textbook reimbursement upon successful completion of the course! AFT members receive tuition and textbook reimbursement upon successful completion of the course! See below link: Labor Studies spring 2016 classes flyer