How to Make May Day your Day

Dear Colleagues, I have received several inquiries regarding how exactly to take May 1st off without violating our collective bargaining agreements.  Here’s the skinny: 1)  SDCCD Classified Staff You can use either vacation or comp. time.  Both need to be...

Why May Day Matters Now More than Ever – part 2

Monday, April 17, 2017 8:45 AM Workers Did Not Always Have It As Easy As We Do Today Workers in the American steel industry, one of the most dangerous in the world, had attempted to organize in 1919.  Their efforts were crushed by a combination of red-baiting,...

AFT May Day 2017: Social Media Involvment

AFT May Day 2017: Social Media Involvment   Below are ways you can start to get involved with AFT May Day and support our students.   The Stand With Students Photo Project #istandwithstudents @istandwithstudents   Our immigrant students, teachers, staff and...

Why May Day Matters Now More than Ever – part 3

What Is It Really All About? Something special happened in the spring and summer of 1934. Maritime workers who had been considered little more than ignorant roustabouts took history into their own hands. They built a powerful new movement from the ground up, waged a...

SDCCD Adjunct Faculty Job Security

Dear SDCCD Adjunct Faculty,   If you have been teaching in the San Diego Community College District for six or more semesters, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of an important job security benefit your union had previously won for you called...

2nd Request: Speakers Needed For May 1st Teach-In

Dear Colleagues, We have received several responses, but we are still in need of many more speakers.  Please read my message below and consider volunteering to speak on one of these topics at your campus. In Unity, Jim Begin forwarded message: From: Jim Mahler...

Speakers Needed For May 1st Teach-In

Dear Colleagues, We are beginning the planning for a very important teach-in at each campus on May Day, May 1st, also known as International Workers’ Day.  The point of the day is to celebrate and recognize workers’ rights, especially in light of the attacks we are...