How to Make May Day your Day

Dear Colleagues,

I have received several inquiries regarding how exactly to take May 1st off without violating our collective bargaining agreements.  Here’s the skinny:
1)  SDCCD Classified Staff
You can use either vacation or comp. time.  Both need to be pre-approved, but if you ask for the time now there should be plenty of time for planning for coverage.
2)  SDCCD Faculty
You can use personal necessity leave.  You do not need to give a reason other than state that it’s “personal.”  Leave requests must be submitted five or more days in advance.
3)  GCCCD Faculty
You can use personal necessity leave.  You do not need to give a reason other than state that it’s “personal.”  Leave requests must be submitted in advance and have prior written approval.
4)  Applies to all of the above:  be creative.
For those of you who teach, here are some options for what you can do with your classes in lieu of your regularly scheduled meeting:
1)  Give them an alternative assignment, related to your course outline.
2)  If your class meets during the 9-11:00am time frame, meet your class and bring them to the teach-in at your campus.
3)  If your class meets during the 11-12:00pm time frame, meet your class and bring them to the march at your campus.
Whatever you choose to do, it’s essential that you treat this day as NOT BUSINESS AS USUAL and use the day to celebrate and highlight the struggles of workers who made huge sacrifices over the last 150 years to provide you with the working conditions and benefits you currently enjoy.
Here’s the bottom line:  If you believe in this, you will be creative and make this work for you.  If you don’t, you will come up with a flimsy excuse as to why you can’t.  If you fall into the latter category, we really don’t need to hear from you about why you can’t participate in this easy, 100% safe, action at a time #45 and company are trying to make unions extinct.


In Solidarity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931