Labor Day Weekend Activities

Brothers & Sisters, This Labor Day week we celebrate the tremendous contributions of workers across San Diego and Imperial Counties. We hope you will join us at the events this weekend! In Solidarity, Keith Maddox,Trustee San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor...

What Good is a Union in 2017?

by AFT Political Action VP Jim Miller What is there to celebrate this coming Labor Day for the average American?  We live in troubled times and many of us in the United States are increasingly anxious or angry as we see the American Dream slipping away right before...

2017-19 CFT Standing Committees Nominations

Dear AFT Guild Members, The standing committees of our statewide affiliate the California Federation of Teachers (CFT) play a critical role in the development and implementation of CFT policy.  Committee members are chosen from all segments of the CFT from pre-school...

This Week in Labor History – August 28

August 28 The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom—the Martin Luther King Jr. "I Have A Dream" speech march—is held in Washington, D.C., with 250,000 participating.  The AFL-CIO did not endorse the march, but several affiliated unions did – 1963 (Martin Luther...

Sunday Rally Against Hate

Dear Colleagues,   As the LA Times reported today, there has been a surge in hate crimes during the first half of 2017.  “It appears that bigots have become emboldened in the state, not only to commit more violence, but to publicly promote white nationalism,”...

OSHA Labor Studies Class for Our Members

Dear Colleagues,   Below is the description of a  3-Saturday course on OSHA regulations in September taught by the UCLA Labor Center.  You get a certificate and it's also good information to have in your workplace.  AFT members will receive reimbursement of...

This Week in Labor History-August 21

This Week in Labor History August 21 Slave revolt led by Nat Turner begins in Southampton County, Va. - 1831 August 22 Five flight attendants form the Air Line Stewardesses Association, the first labor union representing flight attendants. They were reacting to an...