Dear AFT Guild Members, We're really excited to offer our next professional development event for you! Many of you have told us you are seeking to make a career change. Perhaps you're a new part-time instructor whose goal is to teach full-time? Or maybe you are a...
Sign up to improve your communication skills and increase your pay! (08/07/2023)
Dear AFT Guild Members, We are excited to offer The Human Element of Communication Studies, a professional development and salary advancement opportunity for all AFT Guild members this fall semester! This UCSD Extended Studies hybrid course (in person and online) is...
San Diego County District 4 Special Election–Drop Your Ballot off TODAY (07/20/2023)
Dear AFT Guild Colleagues, If you live in the County Board of Supervisors District 4 you should have received your ballot for the special election in the US Mail by now. We are supporting the Labor Council’s endorsed candidate, Monica Montgomery. ...
AFT Guild Retiree Chapter Sponsored Meditation Sessions, Summer -Fall 2023 (07/03/2023)
Dear AFT Guild Members, In conjunction with our Retiree Chapter, we are pleased to continue to offer a free live streaming monthly meditation practice! All sessions are with renown yoga and meditation instructor Sarah Clark. Our next session will be held on Wednesday,...
Fwd: B is for Black Wealth Seminar
Dear Colleagues, The workshops below are open to all AFT Guild members. In Solidarity, Jim Jim Mahler, President AFT Guild, Local 1931 Hello Labor Family, The San Diego Black Worker Center x B is for Black Wealth presents Building Black Wealth: A Guide to Generational...
RATIFIED! New SDCCD Faculty Contract
Dear SDCCD AFT Guild Faculty Members, I am pleased to report that our tentative agreement for our new faculty contract was ratified with 96.10% (592) voting in favor of ratification, and 3.90% (24) voting against ratification. Congratulations to us all! In...
New Salary Schedule Increases
Dear GCCCD AFT Guild Members, I am pleased to report that just in time for your summer vacations we have reached agreement with the District on significant increases to both the tenured/tenure-track and adjunct/overload salary schedules! The Chancellor and Governing...
Tentative Agreement Reached – New SDCCD Faculty Contract! and Resource Allocation Formula Renewed
Dear SDCCD AFT Guild Faculty Members, I am pleased to announce that after approximately fourteen months of negotiations, we have reached a tentative agreement with the District on a successor agreement to our faculty contract! Although it took a considerable amount of...
Click to Sign – Petitions RE: Staffing and Enrollment Crises (05/16/2023)
Dear AFT Guild Members, We’re writing to ask you to sign two petitions today in support of new legislation to strengthen public education (Tuesday 5/16 is the deadline). The first bill – AB 938 (Muratuschi), in solidarity with TK-12 teachers and classified...
AFT Guild Union Meeting: Thursday, May 4th – César Chávez Campus (05/03/2023)
Dear AFT Guild Members, Our last AFT Guild Union meeting of this academic year will be held this Thursday, May 4th, beginning at 3:00pm on the rooftop of the César Chávez Center. The address is 1901 Main Street and there are two levels of parking inside the building....