Union use of Email

f you would really like some fascinating reading regarding email usage, please read the attached two documents by Fassler (AFT attorney) and Barsook (District's attorney). The "case" they refer to is AFT vs. SDCCD. email fassler.pdf email barsook.pdf 

Materials Needed for AFT History Book

ATTENTION AFT MEMBERS: We are working on a history of AFT Local 1931 and would like your help. If you have any pictures, old newsletters, or documents let us know. We are particularly interested in early AFT history (late sixties/early seventies), but anything you...

The Wal-Martization of the San Diego Economy

By ALAN GIN Voice Guest Columnist Published May 11, 2005 At first glance, 2004 was a good year for the labor market in San Diego County. According to the state Employment Development Department, non-farm wage and salary employment was up 18,500 compared to 2003, and...

Protect your Pension Training

On Thursday May 19th from 6:00-8:00PM the San Diego Police OfficersAssociation and SEIU 2028 are sponsoring a training for labor leaders and activists on how to fight schemes to privatize our public pensions. The training is free and open to all. Please see...

Scripps Encinitas Nurses On 2nd Strike!

If you could make it to one of the Nurses' rallies on May 19th at either 11:00 AM or 6:00PM they would greatly appreciate your support!   Jim ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

Protect Prop. 98 Protest/Rally

On behalf of the San Diego Education Coalition, you are cordially invited toa demonstration/picket at the downtown freeway on-ramps on Monday, May 9th from 4-6PM to protest the Governor's attempt to change the Proposition 98 education minimum funding guarantee which...

Appeal for Equalization Funding

This will be the last opportunity we will have to make an impact on the Governor's May revision to the State budget to include our much needed equalization funding. Recall that last year, receipt of these equalization funds is what made it possible to pay for our...

AFT May 15 Retree Brunch/End of Year Celebration

We will be holding our 9th annual Retiree/End of Year Celebration on Sunday, May 15th at Humphrey's Shelter island. If you or someone you know is retiring or has retired during this academic year, please let me know right away so we can add them to our VIP guest list....

Help more California students afford college

Subject: CALPIRG : Help more California students afford college Dear CALPIRG supporter, College students are going deeper in debt and working longer hours to pay for school. Their parents are feeling the same pressures. Financial aid is the only way for some families...