NO on Proposition 75 & Absentee Ballots

Dear Colleagues, Next week absentee ballots will be mailed out for the special election that will impact you directly.  Proposition 75, the initiative endorsed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and sponsored by his corporate contributors, would take working people out of...

Give us one morning to help win the election!

TTENTION ALL AFT MEMBERS: Come kick off the special election campaign this Saturday, October 8th and walk San Diego neighborhoods opposing Propositions 74, 75, and 76. Put an education workers' face on the campaign to protect due process rights for teachers, stop the...

Millionaires For Prop 75

The latest campaign finance reports are in - 97 percent of the funds in support of Prop 75 have come from millionaires, rightwing ideologues and corporate special interests. These shadowy corporate fat cats are trying to deceive voters by calling their campaign...

Another “Paycheck Deception” Scheme

What is Proposition 75 - the "union dues" initiative? It is another attempt by anti-union forces to silence working families and their unions within the political arena. It would require public employee unions to get signed permission from every member, every year in...

Campaign Workers Needed for No on Prop. 75

The AFT has a need for hourly campaign workers between now and November 8th to come in to the AFT office and make phone calls and perform other office organizing work around our campaign to defeat Proposition 75.  The pay is $12/hour.  If you have students or know of...

What’s Behind the Schwarzenegger ‘Reform’ Agenda?

By JIM MILLER Political Action Vice-President AFT Guild, Local 1931 "We are trying to change the tones in the state capitals and turn them toward bitter nastiness and partisanship." -- Grover Norquist On Feb. 10, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger rolled into San Diego and...


District Colleagues, In today's AFT Guild union meeting we voted to make a $10,000 donation to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort via the AFL-CIO Union Community Fund described below.  If you would also like to make individual contributions, please visit the link...