June 3 Election Endorsements

Colleagues, Since some of you will soon be filling out absentee ballots, please find below the final list of endorsements from the San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council. Whomever you vote for, please VOTE! City of San Diego City Attorney: Scott Peters City...

Happy International Workers’ Day to All!

Some information on current actions and the history of May Day–International Workers' Day: 1) May 1, 2008  Despite efforts by employers to stop it, longshore union workers in California are going ahead with their planned work stoppage today to protest the wars in Iraq...

College Faculty 2009 Negotiations Survey

Dear College Faculty Colleagues, I realize we just ratified our 2008 re-opener articles, but being the action oriented group that we are, we need to start planning for our successor agreement which will replace our current collective bargaining agreement (cba) due to...

Help Needed to Avoid $2.95 Million in Cuts!

Dear Colleagues, As a result of lower than anticipated property tax revenues in the State, our District's current fiscal year budget is due to be cut by $2.95 million! That is a huge impact, especially this late in the year after we have already made financial...

Reminder: May 4th Retirement Brunch/End of Year Celebration

Monday is the deadline – send in your RSVP (and money) today! Celebrate a great year and the successful careers of our colleagues! When:       Sunday, May 4, 11:00am Where:      Humphrey’s Shelter Island, 2241 Shelter Island Drive            If you know of someone who...

LGBT Labor Leadership School Register Now!

The Guild will reimburse any of our members' registration fees if you decide to attend. Form Just let me know if you plan to attend. Jim Begin forwarded message: From: "Brian Polejes" <bpolejes@gmail.com> Date: April 2, 2008 9:45:07 PM PDT To: bpolejes@gmail.com...

College Faculty Agreement Ratified

Dear College Faculty Colleagues, I am pleased to report that the college faculty tentative agreement was ratified with 98.1% (612 votes) voting in favor of ratification.   1.9% (12 votes) voted against ratification. All changes take effect retroactively back to...

May 4th Retirement Brunch/End of Year Celebration

Celebrate a great year and the successful careers of our colleagues! When: Sunday, May 4, 11:00am Where: Humphrey’s Shelter Island, 2241 Shelter Island Drive If you know of someone who is planning on retiring or has retired this year, please send us their name and...

Happy With Your Contract Settlement?

Show your support of improvements in working conditions won by your AFT Guild while remembering injured and killed workers by wearing this t-shirt on April 28th! Worker's Memorial Day April 28, 2008 Sizes are Small through 4XL email:  aftTina@mac.com to order...

College Faculty Settlement Reached!

Dear Faculty Colleagues, Following several more negotiation sessions, I am pleased to announce that we have finally reached a tentative agreement with the District regarding our re-openers for this year!  Thanks to your unwavering support, we were able to win...