Inside CFT
June 17, 2009
UPDATE: New developments in state budget deliberations
The deep political freeze in Sacramento’s budget deliberations is beginning to thaw, and actions by CFT members have helped. For the first time since last year there are encouraging signs that some legislators will stand up to the governor’s slash and burn approach to California’s public education system and the other important social services our population needs. Here’s what has been happening.
Press coverage has grown more focused and critical, including stories in the Sacramento Bee, Los Angeles Times, and other newspapers featuring CFT’s proposals for progressive tax increases instead of massive cuts. If you haven’t already sent an email to your legislators (from the last couple issues of Inside CFT), you can do so by clicking here.
The Service Employees International Union, the largest union in California, spent a million dollars for a television ad campaign calling for a “balanced approach” to the budget deficit, including taxes.
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees delivered a progressive tax pamphlet similar to CFT’s to all the legislators, identifying billions of dollars in ongoing potential revenues, most of which would not adversely affect the vast majority of taxpayers.
The California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO, began a campaign to repeal last year’s creation of corporate tax loopholes worth more than $2.5 billion per year. The CLF is holding rallies across the state this week for this purpose. Click here for more info and a list of rally sites across the state, including one near you.
The California Democratic Party, with newly elected party chair John Burton (former State Senate President Pro Tem), has just begun a push to light a fire under legislators to stop the cuts and instead close loopholes and raise taxes on the wealthy. Click here for more info and to write a letter to the editor urging a balanced solution. (Not a Democrat? Doesn’t matter. You can (and should) still do this!)
As a result of these actions, some legislators, including Assembly Speaker Karen Bass, are beginning to talk taxes. It’s about time.
If you have items to be considered for inclusion in Inside CFT, send them to Fred Glass. Feel free to forward this Inside CFTto anyone who cares about public education.
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