CFT Endorses Obama

By action of the CFT Executive Council, the CFT has endorsed Barack Obama for the office of President of the United States. Please advise your members of this action so they can begin to make contributions (both fiscal and with volunteer work) to his campaign. A local...

Bogus STRS Solicitation?

Colleagues, One of our faculty members recently received a phone solicitation regarding retirement planning from a company named FHRI (Financial Health Research Institute) claiming to be affiliated with STRS.  They are not affiliated with STRS in any way. I am...

AFT/Labor Council Phone Bank

Colleagues, We are "hosting" the Labor Council phone bank tomorrow night (5/21) from 5:00-8:00pm at the Labor Council. We could use as many volunteers as possible to help us get the word out to union households regarding Mary Block for the 78th Assembly and...

In Defense of Academic Freedom and the First Amendment

FLEX credit available AFT Guild, Local 1931 presents In Defense of Academic Freedom and the First Amendment When?:  Friday, 22 August 2008 10:30A – 1:30P 1:30P Where?: San Diego Mesa College, LRC 435 Presenters include: Erwin Chemerinsky (Dean of the new UC Irvine Law...