FLEX credit available
AFT Guild, Local 1931
In Defense of Academic Freedom and the First Amendment
When?: Friday, 22 August 2008
10:30A – 1:30P
Where?: San Diego Mesa College, LRC 435
Presenters include:
Erwin Chemerinsky
(Dean of the new UC Irvine Law School, First Amendment scholar, trial lawyer)
Marty Hittelman
(President, California Federation of Teachers)
Constance Carroll
(SDCCD Chancellor)
Judith Michaels
(CFT Legislative Director)
Chris Goff
(AFT Higher Ed Div./Free Exchange on Campus)
Hon. Christine Kehoe
(California State Senator)
Audience participation
The forum will introduce the new AFT Policy Paper, “Academic Freedom in the 21st-Century College and University;” inform the audience about the Academic Freedom principles and First Amendment rights; and address the prospect of legislated restraints on faculty through ideological litmus tests and quotas.
Complimentary light refreshments