Erroneous Membership Cards

AFT members, Apparently the AFT national office in Washington D.C. has sent incorrect membership cards in the US mail to many of our members.  The last name is incorrect on the card. As soon as I get a satisfactory answer back from them as to what caused this glitch...

Labor Council Softball Tournament

The Labor Council is sponsoring a softball tournament July 26-27 at the Chula Vista Community Park. AFT would like to enter a team.  If you are interested in playing, please email our team manager, Dennis Aquino, at Please see the attached flier for...

AFL-CIO Endorses Obama

From: "John J. Sweeney" <> Date: June 26, 2008 11:42:27 AM PDT To: "Jim Mahler" <> Dear Jim, With 10.5 million members from every walk of life, the AFL-CIO has endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for president. Barack Obama's...

Letters Needed to Help Break State Budget Stalemate

Colleagues, We are initiating a letter writing campaign to the legislature and Governor imploring them to consider raising taxes in addition to cutting expenses as a means of reaching a compromise agreement on the budget, based on your positive feedback to CFT...

Become a Labor Leader…

Did you know that City College is one of only a handful of institutions statewide to offer a Labor Studies program?  This program offers a unique and comprehensive curriculum that prepares students to be effective employee advocates by introducing them to legal...