Why Workers Need the Employee Free Choice Act

Monday 13 April 2009 by: David Bacon, t r u t h o u t | Perspective http://www.truthout.org/041309LA       Unions are good for workers.     Today, median weekly pay for union members is $886, compared to $691 for nonunion workers. Moving cargo on the Oakland...

Guild Settles New Three Year Revenue Sharing Agreement

Protects Fully Paid Medical, Dental, Vision through 12/31/2011 Dear College Faculty Colleagues, I am pleased to announce that after many months of difficult negotiations, especially given these tough economic times, the Guild has successfully concluded a new three...

Chancellor Carroll To Join The Guild!

In a surprise announcement at today's District Governance Council meeting, SDCCD Chancellor Constance Carroll announced that she would be filing to obtain representation rights with the AFT Guild.  Carroll stated: "I've gone far too long without union representation....

How Prop. 98 has Made Education the State’s Priority

Richie Ross, a political consultant the Guild has used on several occasions, wrote this article that recently appeared in the Los Angeles Times.  It's an excellent analysis of how tax breaks have hurt the State's budget, while Prop. 98 has helped keep education...

State Budget/Federal Stimulus Summaries

Colleagues, Attached are summaries of the recent State Budget deal (summary starts on page 3) and the Federal Stimulus package.  These are the clearest summaries I have seen, produced by the California Labor Federation. Please let me know if you have any questions...

Unions can strengthen America

BY ROBERT B. REICH Why is this recession so deep, and what can be done to reverse it? Hint: Go back about 50 years, when America's middle class was expanding and the economy was soaring. Paychecks were big enough to allow us to buy all the goods and services we...