AFT Monday Message – 10/05/09

1) Attached please find the final drafts of the 2010-2011 academic year calendars for both College and Continuing Education. 2) The month of October marks the beginning of our Ice Cream Social roadshow. This week: District Office, Mesa, ECC, Cesar Chavez, and...

District to Offer Early Retirement Incentive

Dear Contract College Faculty Colleagues, Due to the dramatic cuts in categorically funded programs, and as a cost savings measure as part of the District's budget reduction goals, the District will soon be proposing an early retirement incentive to all contract...

Protest the State Budget Cuts-Wear Blue on Thursday!

In solidarity with our brothers and sisters at UC who are planning a one day walkout this Thursday, September 24th, we are asking all of our members to wear blue to work that day. Wear blue to let everyone know the state budget cuts are devastating education, students...

Are We the Last Professors?

By Jim Miller, AFT Political Action VP What does the future hold for higher education in America?  As we endure yet another severe budget crisis here in California, all the energy seems to be on the side of our critics.  With revenues dwindling and calls for...

Opposing view: We expected better

Teachers don’t oppose reforms. But these federal ideas just won’t work. By Marty Hittelman What makes for successful education reform? From the teacher's perspective, it must be rooted in classroom practice and supported by research that demonstrates success in...

VEBA Challenge

Southern California Schools VEBA is pleased to announce the latest Health & Fitness Challenge in its series, Step Up to the Challenge.  How many flights of stairs can you walk in a day?  Try to take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator for your routine...

AFT Supports the Students’ May 9th Rally!

Dear Colleagues, Your AFT is proud to support the students' rally against budget cuts and class cuts, tomorrow, September 9th, beginning at 1:00PM, at Park Blvd. and A St. in front of San Diego City College.  Come on out and show your solidarity with our students and...

Put “Labor” Back into Labor Day This Year

In a few days we’ll celebrate Labor Day, but how many of our students, or even us, will have any idea where the holiday came from or what it celebrates?  The first Labor Day was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5th, 1882 in New York City and was proposed by the...