Election Results are a Mixed Bag for the AFT Guild

Dear Colleagues, Yesterday’s election results were hardly what any of us were expecting at many levels.  The election of Trump and the Republican sweep on the national level feels like we are now living in a poorly written dystopic novel. These results do not bode...


Polls in California are open 7:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. Remember, as long as you're in line before the polls close, you have a right to cast your ballot. So be sure to stay there and vote! Click here to find your polling place, or you can also text POLL to 668366. For...

Why Vote YES on Measure X

Dear Colleagues, If you reside within the boundaries of the GCCCD (or know of anyone who does) please continue reading: For longer than anyone can seem to recall, our colleges have been unable to rely on state funding to meet essential facility and infrastructure...

AFT Guild Union Meeting: Thursday, November 3rd, 2016

Dear Colleagues, Feliz Día de Los Muertos! Our next AFT Guild General Membership meeting will be held this Thursday, November 3rd beginning at 3:00pm at City College, in the MS building which is on the corner of 16th and C Streets downtown.  There is a parking...

When will you Vote on Nov. 8? – Five Second Survey

Dear Colleagues, Please take five seconds out of your busy schedule and answer this one question survey about when/how you plan to cast your vote on Nov. 8. It’s only one multiple choice question! Please click here and answer this one question now!  Results are...

Why We Need to Pass Proposition 55

Photo Credit: Kelly Mayhew       As many of us in education circles remember, before the passage of Proposition 30 in 2012, the funding situation for schools and colleges in California was dire. The question was not IF there were going to be cuts, but...

New San Diego Promise Video Highlights Student Impact

Friends and Colleagues, This fall, the San Diego Community College District launched the San Diego Promise as a pilot program at City, Mesa, and Miramar colleges. The San Diego Promise is an extension of the state and national movement to make community colleges free...

Just Say NO WAY to Measure A

by Jim Miller, AFT Guild Political Action Vice-President It’s All About the Climate and Our Children’s Future Jim Miller, Chair of San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council Environmental Caucus Nicole Capretz, Executive Director, Climate Action Campaign Nick Segura,...