Update: Mossy Nissan-Mechanics Locked Out

Dear Colleagues, The mechanics at Mossy Nissan have been locked out by the company in an attempt to break their union.  The company refuses to negotiate in good faith with their union, and has now resorted to locking the mechanics out from coming to work, and they...

Mossy Nissan Informational Picketing

Dear Colleagues, Mossy Nissan has locked out its mechanics in response to their desire to unionize.  This Sunday they will be holding informational picketing at Mossy Nissan of Kearny Mesa and also at the Oceanside location.  Attached is a flyer for these events....

Action Alert: NO on HR 610!

Dear Colleagues, We knew the threats to public education were real, and now we know just how real they are in the form of HR 610, also known as the “Choices in Education” Act. This house bill is a false choice for our public education system. I am writing to ask you...

International Women’s Day-March 8th

Dear Colleagues,   For those of you looking to participate in the upcoming "A Day Without A Woman" strike, organizers of the Women's March on Washington have released additional information on how to observe the day.   Three action items are listed on...

2017 CFT Convention Announcement

Dear AFT Guild Members:   The 75th Annual Convention of the California Federation of Teachers will be held at the Sheraton Grand Sacramento, commencing Friday, March 31st, 2017 at 10:00 AM and continuing through Sunday, April 2nd, 2017 until 1:00 PM. All AFT...

RATIFIED: Classified Staff 2017 RAF Settlement

Dear Classified Staff AFT Members, I am pleased to announce that 97% (337) of classified staff AFT members voted IN FAVOR of ratification of our 2017 RAF economic package detailed below, while 3% (11) voted against ratification....

RATIFIED: SDCCD Faculty 2017 RAF Settlement

Dear SDCCD Faculty AFT Members, I am pleased to announce that 93.4% (550) of faculty AFT members voted IN FAVOR of ratification of our 2017 RAF economic package detailed below, while 6.6% (39) voted against ratification. AFT Adjunct_Overload Salary Schedules Effective...