May Revision Highlights – VC Troy Fiscal

Colleagues, Below are the highlights of the Governor’s May Revision proposal as it relates to the California Community Colleges.  Please note that more detailed information is required to fully analyze the impact of the proposals, but I thought it would be...

CFT Fight Back Plan against ACCJC

Yesterday, CFT and AFT 2121 filed a "third party comment" with the ACCJC and US Dept of Ed, asking for the agency to drop its "Show Cause" sanction on CCSF, and abide by its own policies. Today we held a press conference. Lots of news and material at The...

Help Fight Climate Change

Climate change is real, and it is threatening all our futures. On March 7, 2013 our union, AFT Guild, Local 1931, unanimously endorsed a resolution calling for CalSTRS and CalPERS to divest from fossil fuels. The California Federation of Teachers endorsed the...

CFT Committee Member Solicitation

Colleagues, CFT committees play a crucial role in the development and implementation of CFT policy. Committee members are chosen from all segments of the CFT from pre-school to the University of California.  Committee members are appointed for...

ALERT: New California Legislation on Online Education

Dear Colleagues, Your AFT and the California Federation of Teachers are deeply concerned about CA State Senator Steinberg’s proposal (see UT article below) to thrust mass online learning onto public higher education institutions. This development is troubling because...