Help us Pass Proposition 15! (10/26/2020)

Nine days left to pass Prop. 15 and reclaim $12 billion for our schools and our communities. With just nine days until November 3, our campaign to pass Prop. 15 and reclaim $12 billion a year for our schools and our communities is entering its final stage. The latest...

AFT Guild Election Q&A Oct. 28 via Zoom (10/23/2020)

Join the AFT Guild to discuss what is at stake in the upcoming election. Featuring: Jim Miller AFT Guild Political Action Vice President Wednesday, October 28th 2:30pm – 3:30 pm Via Zoom See you email for specific information. 2020 Endorsements...

AFT Guild Election Q&A Oct. 28 (10/23/2020)

Dear Colleagues, Please find below our election recommendations from either our local, the Statewide CFT, or the San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council. If a race is not listed here it means we have not taken a position on it and therefore cannot provide you...